Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week One - Random thoughts at 4 am

One word ------> Pain.

Who the hell knows what is normal and what's not?  Everything seemed to be doing pretty good with a minimal amount of pain....until Thursday.  I started feeling more.  I was taking a couple of Motrin, now I'm taking two pain pills every 4 hours. This is pain where I can't keep my leg still.  Oh, I expected pain.  But why did it start 10 days after surgery???

Since I have all this time to think, I have come up with a few ideas.  I had virtually no sleep last night.  Why?  Pain and my position.  There wasn't a comfortable one. I had a shower today.  Maybe that's it..  I swear I can feel sutures on both sides of my leg where he must have removed the plate and screws on one side and screws on the other!  I haven't felt the long midline incision yet .... maybe that's still hiding until it rears its ugly head.  Also the cast is HEAVY.  As in very heavy.  I am having a whole conglomeration of pains, sharp, dull, knawing pain, lightning bolt pain. Honest to God, I don't remember the original fracture hurting this much after surgery.  Holy crap. Tri-malleolar, broken like pieces of potato chip, with a dislocation.  Dr. Doom (nasty first surgeon) said, "Well, you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit."  Thanks.  Wonderful bedside manner while I'm laying up in the E.R. you jerk!!!

And this hour of the morning, pain pills and an anti-anxiety pill, plus different positions aren't helping.  Okay. This is where I have to say it.  It's times like this when I miss Gene.  He would know what to do and what to say to comfort and soothe me.  Can he see me?  Because I sure don't feel him!  I think he would say, "Baby, it's all going to be every bit worth it.  Just hang in there."

I'm hanging.


  1. Hi Jan, I just read all of your posts after having read your comment on Christines's Total Ankle Replacement blog. I'm so happy that you commented over there, because I was thrilled to come on over and read another ankle replacement story!

    Jan, keep hanging in there, it sounds like you're doing great. As you know, the inside of your ankle was like a construction zone, and although pain is expected, it can still come as a surprise. I hope yours ends soon, and in the meantime I sure hope you can manage it with your meds.

    I assume you'll be getting your sutures removed soon... you'll feel better when you get a chance to share your experiences with your doctor. Your NICE doctor. Not Dr. Doom. Grrrr.

    By the way, my name is Suzanne, and I had a STAR ankle replacement on March 15th. I am in my eighth week of recovery, and so far so good. I started a blog also, feel free to stop by if you'd like. My posts tend to be all over the place, but it might be fun to see how much we have in common.

    Best wishes for pain-free living, I'm so glad you went to Baylor.

    ~Suzanne :)

  2. Hi Jan, it's Patrick from work! Just wanted to say hi and let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your right, you just have to hang in there. It will get better! We'll have to share surgery stories when we see each other again :0) Take care and Have a Blessed Day! Patrick

  3. Hi Jan
    From what I've read, your experience is "normal". You might want to check out the Yahoo group I belong to. The web site is:
    Very helpful so far, but I haven't had my TAR yet. I'm set for June 1.

  4. Hey Mac, thanks for posting about the Yahoo support group... I'll have to check that out!

    Hope your surgery went well on 6/1. :)

  5. My father in law needs this surgery, can you recommend a doctor plz. We live in East Texas. Thank you in advance.

    1. Mascha,

      I highly recommend Baylor Hospital in Dallas and my Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Christian Royer. He is a Orthopedic Associates of Dallas.

      Feel free to email me if you would like more information.

      Good Luck to your Father-in-law! Ankle Replacement is the way to go!



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