Tuesday, May 10, 2011

All roads lead to Baylor

After having made up my mind that I was going to find an Orthopedic Surgeon that practiced at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, I found something online about Orthopedic Associates of Dallas.  I called to see if they could get me in for a consultation ASAP, which they did. I had an apppointment with Dr. Christian T. Royer two days later!

I went to the appointment where they had me fill out medical history forms and I also brought my x-rays from Dr. "Doom" with me. (Note:  See post below this one. It will explain who Dr. "Doom" is.)  The nurses said they didn't need to see them because they were going to take their own complete set of x-rays. What was different with their x-rays?  They had me stand up on a platform.  They didn't do this at the other place!  I made a mental note: Already much more improved and state-of-the-art over here!

After waiting for just a short while, a man enters who announces himself as one of Dr. Royer's Fellows. What the heck is a "Fellow" you ask?  Webster's dictionary defines a "medical fellowship"  as the period of time spent practicing a specialized field after graduation. (It is an honor to be chosen for this position, and is considered a very good mark on your credentials.)  He got some more information from me, and said that Dr. Royer would be right in.  Another mental note:  They don't waste time over here!

Dr. Royer entered the room and I genuinely liked him from our first meeting.  He is a tall, slender man with dark hair, a friendly smile and a cheerful disposition.  He looked at my x-rays and we talked about my injury, the original surgery, what had developed and I told him what the previous prognosis was and that I felt my options were very, very limited. He suddenly looked very serious, as if he were deep in thought and I will never forget his next words as long as I live.  He said, "I think you would be a perfect candidate for an ankle replacement!"  A what???  I had never heard of this and it certainly wasn't ever brought up as an option before. He said that he was certain that I would be in a lot less pain, a lot more mobile and that I could do anything I wanted --- except run on it.  Why not run?  There is a greater chance of it becoming loose, shifting, and needing a revision.  Ok. No running. That was fine with me! 

Dr. Royer was very confident and reassuring that this was the answer for me because hopefully, I have alot of years left in this body.  He told me to take home some information and consider it and I told him that there was no thinking to be done - I was having it.  One more thing...he also smiled and said that he was prescribing me pain medication, signed paperwork for a Handicap Parking permit and HOPEThank you Lord Jesus!!!  I left his office with a newfound purpose and resolve - I was going to be having a total ankle replacement!

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