Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week Six - Post op visit and PAIN!

Today was my six week visit with Dr. Royer at Baylor.  I am still non-weight bearing, so wheeled in the office on a walker, pushing with my good foot.  My granddaughters accompanied me which helped tremendously.  We waited in the exam room and Dr. Royer's nurse said that I was going to have an x-ray.  I went into x-ray and 3 different views were taken. I went back to the exam room and Dr. Royer came in a few minutes later and put the x-ray up on the screen.  He said the STAR replacement looked "beautiful". 

X-ray taken today

He said the next plan will be to walk in a boot with my full weight on it and after 3 weeks, another x-ray would be taken to make sure nothing had moved with the replacement during the period of walking.  If all is well, then I will start Physical Therapy.

The Boot

Dr. Royer's nurse took my boot and pulled the wedge out of the bottom, and realigned everything, put me back in it, and told me to stand up and take a few steps.  I took one or two steps and FROZE IN MY TRACKS.  It was painful!  It made me nauseous. It was the same pain (or very much like the same pain) that I had BEFORE my ankle replacement.  Logically, this doesn't make sense because Dr. Royer cut away the bone rubbing against bone to put the new ankle prosthesis in my foot.  Nevertheless, that horrible pain is there.  It is located on the INSIDE of my ankle, around the bone and from the bone down to where the bottom of my foot begins.  It could be the tendons or ligaments ~ who knows?

I immediately told the nurse that I couldn't walk because of the pain, and she said that it was going to be painful  and to remember "no gain."   I understand that, and I'm not a lightweight when it comes to pain, so we will have to come up with another plan since it's obvious that I'm not going to be able to wear the boot.  It gave me that darn pressure sore when I didn't have weight on it.
Six Week Photo

I can't take the steps I need to for the weight bearing, so I don't know how I will make it through 3 weeks of trying to walk before Physical Therapy.  Other people who have had ankle replacements have not reported pain in this area.  Another bump in the road, but I will be in touch with Dr. Royer and maybe we can come up with another plan. 

 I must trust God to be my calm in the storm.  He knows the absolute hell I've been through with this foot.. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me because right now I don't know if I will walk again without having pain.  I know that I will be working part time for quite some time because of the swelling.  I believe he said at least two months.

Friends, I realize this is not the most joyous post tonight but like I always say....this is my story.  I'm telling you the reality of every aspect of this experience. Your thoughts and prayers are mighty appreciated!


Meanwhile....keeping it on ice


  1. My goodness, Jan, I hope that your pain has subsided. You must be very scared, I know I would be. Please just try to find the strength to allow more time for healing. I know that this scenario is not what you had hoped for, but in time, things will look and feel brighter. My prayers are with you, always.

  2. Jan please update me on your replacement. 10 yrs of difficulties with mine..


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